Sunday, August 21, 2011

Totally in His Hands...

Today as I pray, recovering from a fever, I find it hard to initially connect with God. The things and cares of this world have become more real inside of me in the last two days. I notice how easily the things of the world can overcome the inner life of the Spirit. It is like the ferocious attack of weeds in the tropics invading the garden that took so long to clean up!

As I offered my mind to the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit my prayer was, “Holy Spirit, give me back the wisdom of heaven, so that I may see the realities of this world through your eyes”. Then the Spirit begins to show me why He is called the counselor!

He shows me that His leading in my life is not simply to meet my needs and make me happy as I understand it or want it to be. His purpose is higher. He is leading me and preparing me to receive a reward and a life that is eternal. Therefore the safety and security that the Spirit can provide me is greater than my own defense systems. Though my defense system tries it’s best to protect me and meet my needs, it can’t prevent me from growing old or dying one day. It can’t defend me from things unseen and beyond my control. Yet it tries to defend me and prevent me from surrendering completely to God!

When the Holy Spirit makes me aware of my limitations and my foolishness, my internal defenses let go into the loving hands of God. The leading of the Holy Spirit is the best answer to my every need, desire and aspiration. Even if He has to lead me through worldly discomfort, rejection and pain, He will be my internal comforter and strength. Even death to self and ego outside will be transformed into life and energy at the level of the Spirit!

Then the Spirit leads me to Jesus. He invites me to look at Him as the one and only role model for my journey through life. St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians in chapter 2 speaks of the inner journey of the Lord. Though He was equal to God He let it go to become a human, then a servant and finally a slave obedient unto death itself. Yet the Lords trust of God the Father and the leading of the Holy Spirit was not in vain. St. Paul says that He was raised up above all things to the right hand of God. God will ultimately do infinitely better and more than our limited defense systems! This awareness given to me by the Holy Spirit leads me once again to total abandonment into the hands of God in complete trust with a heart full of peace, joy and love.


Paul said...

I have to say my walk too with Jesus has ups and downs along this road of suffering.

It is encouraging to have people like lalith thatha as role models who are going through similar situations in life in the spiritual realm.

I pray to God to bless lalith thatha with more spiritual strength and wisdom from the holy spirit and most of all the love of Jesus to be filled in his heart.

Praise the Lord!!

Nero said...

Total surrender, some call this submission. What matters at the end of the day is how we perceive Jesus in our life and if we are willing to let go of our ego, our selfishness. All is possible with God and I have experienced peace at heart despite worldly struggles.

Thanks brother Lalith for sharing your spiritual experiences.

Terry said...

Wish you a Speedy recovery, Bro Lalith

Sue said...

Yes it's true we all have our share of problems and we all need a Savior wtiher we know it or not.

Anonymous said...

My Vassula, My little pupil of these end of times, I will dictate to you now a heavenly discourse on My Mother's Heart;as I have said to you previously; My Mother's Heart and Mine are so united that They become One; the Virgin of virgins, the Holiest, forever now in Heaven, My Mother, continues to be proclaimed in Heaven as: My Mother; when I, God, descended to be conceived by the Holy Spirit and be born by the Virgin Mary, I came into My heaven! I descended from one heaven into the other, I left one throne to sit on the other; like the lamp shining on the sacred lamp-stand, I found Her Heart, shining from within and without;I have been welcomed in this Paradise to be glorified; what had been lost2 and profaned by Eve was to be gained3 and sanctified by the Virgin Mary through Her perfect obedience and humility; and through this Woman, My Reign on earth will once more come; My Reign on earth will be founded in each heart; once more there will be poured on you My Spirit, so lavishly, that this aridity of now will be transformed into a fertile land; as told to vassula ryden by Christ Himself in the True Life In God messages (TLIG)

Anonymous said...

it had been said that at the end of times, Our Two Hearts would raise apostles, and they would be called: apostles of the end of times; these would be instructed by the Queen of Heaven and by Myself, to go forward in every nation, to proclaim without fear the Word of God, even when they would be drenched with blood, by the Enemy's vicious attacks, they shall not be broken; their tongue would pierce the enemies of My Church, like a double-edged sword, by exposing their heresies;they would never stagger, nor would they know fear, because I would provide them with a spirit of courage; the destructive whip would not catch them; they would not leave one stone unturned; they would pursue the sinners, the lofty speakers, the great and the proud, the hypocrites, the traitors of My Church, they would pursue them with My Cross in one hand, and the rosary in the other; and We would stand by their side; they would shatter the heresies and build faithfulness and truth in their place; they would be the antidote of the poison, because they would sprout, like buds, from the Royal Heart of Mary; True Life In God

Anonymous said...

these apostles of the end of times would call on God, their Father, and God, their Father, would call on their spirit; they would call on Mary, their Blessed Mother, and their Blessed Mother would call on them to become witnesses of the Most High; and the Holy Spirit would give them a spirit of zeal to be ready for God, to be ready for this Battle, that day, the haughty crown of the powers of evil will be trampled underfoot by the Woman adorned with the sun, and by all Her children; True Life In God

Anonymous said...

the second Eve, in whom I have given enough power to overthrow Satan and his empire, will crush his head with Her heel; this enmity is not only given between the Queen of heaven and Satan, but it is given as well between Her children whose empire is in Her Heart, and the children of the Devil, who have built their kingdoms in him and through him, and who are in your days your biggest persecutors; many of these are worshippers of the Beast, the scholars and the philosophers of your times; True Life In God

Anonymous said...

I, in My Trinitarian holiness, had chosen this humble Maiden to become in Her perfect virtues and graces, the Woman who would challenge, by Her virtues and graces, the entire kingdom of Lucifer, who constantly flies into a rage and who trembles with fear at the sound of Her Name; True Life In God

Anonymous said...

I tell you, no less than the height of heaven over the earth is the greatness, the power and the splendour of Her Name; let all who live on earth revere before the Queen's Heart; She has never ceased protecting Her children from the ambushes of the Evil one, who, in your times, has5 set out openly to give battle to My Sacred Heart, and to all the army of My saints; but soon, the empire of the Evil one will be broken up and his sovereignty will be uprooted by the powerful Hand of Mary; True Life In God

Anonymous said...

in all truth I tell you: there is no one on earth or in heaven, or in the angelic powers that has been given such great authority and power over all, as your Blessed Mother, after My Power and My Authority; for I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the One who is, who was, and who is to come;True Life In God

Anonymous said...

all along I have been by your side, and although I have been many times ignored I remained with you to make you feel My Presence; every time you were about to rebel against Me, I, the Lord, full of Compassion, grasped you by the right hand to draw you in My Heart and show you My Infinite Love; blessed of My Soul! alone you are not; I am always with you to console you and guard you as one guards the pupil of his eye; do not say: "there is darkness all around me," I am near you to lead you out of this darkness; you need only to say: "come Lord!" and I shall be flying to you, My child; TLIG.ORG

Lakmal said...

praise you jesus..............