Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sitting at the Feet of the Lord

From my smallest days Christianity had seemed a great responsibility to be good and faithful to God. This call was greatly opposed by the inner nature that wanted to do the exact opposite of what was expected of me. I was pushed and pulled by inner desires and drives to be self indulgent and seek pleasure and happiness in the ways of the world. The burden of guilt that built up within me over the years led me avoid God, avoid prayer and avoid church.

My desire to be free of this guilt pushed me to the rational, scientific approach to reality that first of all explained and justified all that was happening within me as natural and acceptable. Secondly it gave me a chance to be self indulgent without having to carry any guilt within myself. Thirdly it made me feel superior to all those people who lived in the ignorant dark ages of superstitious beliefs.

But in quiet moments when I had to deal with my own inner being, I knew that something was desperately wrong and I was insecure and unhappy. It was reflected in my addictions to alcohol, cigarettes and other indulgences as a means to happiness. I probably would have gone on like this till the end of my life, with addictions and interest changing according to the various psychological shifts of age. That is until the Lord decided to show His face to me.

When I realized that Jesus and Christianity were not merely dealing with a philosopher and a philosophy, but that He was actually risen from the dead and alive everything changed. As I looked at Jesus through the portraits of the gospels brought alive to me by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, learnt how He thought, experienced how He felt towards the weak, the sinful and the lost, I was overwhelmed and lost my heart to Him.

This can be best explained by a word picture drawn for us by John.

Jn 11:2 This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair,

As we realize the Lord’s heart for the weak and sinful it becomes easy to sit at His feet and enter into a deep relationship with Him. In this intimacy, we are loved and made secure within. It is then that we become safe enough to let go our compulsive and learnt habits and behaviors over a lifetime. It is then that we start the adventure of venturing into the unknown and untested ways of the Lord in dealing with the events and circumstances of life. If we argued our case and fought for our ways of doing things, we become safe enough in the knowledge that the Lord rules to remain silent, to forgive, to learn to listen and even discover higher ways of resolving issues. This becomes transformational not only for me but even for everyone else involved.

These few lines from ‘Take me Higher’ explains it beautifully

Hold me as I rise, rise beyond by being
As I feel your presence surround me
Lord I come to worship on my knees


Anonymous said...

I am Marie and I attend the Praise and Worship at St Peters

I have learnt to pray with the help of Bro Laliths Four steps and I have learnt to surrender all my problems and trials to the Lord

Thank You

Unknown said...

I started my journey with my heavenly father exactly a year and a half back after attending the Wed. Prayer meeting and been inspired by the preaching of the word of God and attended the 4 step retreat at St.Peters. I had found so much Love,Joy and peace and the love of the Lord has over powered me to give up lot of materialism I was holding on to and finding satisfaction but the Joy and Peace that comes from above cannot be measured for anyone or anything of this earth.I am thankful to Lalith Thatha and Mercy Amma for leading us to the light.I went for the Inner healing retreat at The Divine Retreat Centre and at the end of it I did not want to come back but the responsibility of the two kids had to be full filled as my vocation in this life and came back but for my Father in heaven I am gratifying by sacrificing indulging in tasty food and become a total vegetarian and I thank and praise Lord for giving me the Grace to do so starting from the retreat centre itself.
Thank and Praise you Jesus

Anonymous said...

Reading this brings me to a question that has been bothering me for a while. If I sit at the feet of the Lord and find everything else is just material, how can it help my spouse join the journey? After reading the blog and listening to the word of the Lord through Bro. Lalith, I've come to realize that sitting at the feet of the Lord is not so easy.. yet, making a commitment to it does take a lot of hard work. So, how is that supposed to touch the heart of others, when I look like a mad woman to them?

Unknown said...

Being born a Catholic & brought up in the Catholic environment I was a God fearing traditional Catholic and thought whatever I did was right according to God's law (self righteous!)I would go at the others in the family who were not religious as I am wondering where they would end up. All this was until the year 2001 when I met Jesus for the first time at Cochin (Kerala)at my very first retreat at the 'Divine' that changed my whole life when I fell at the feet of our Lord in total surrender as Fr.Augustine led us to the 'Foot of the Cross' at Calavery. I broke down and cried and cried realizing how sinful I was and have been all these past years..pride and stubbornness taking first place in my life even though I had been such a 'good Catholic' I felt the Lord's touch deep within my heart and I just don't know what happened to me. Of course I did surprise the rest of the family with my change. Actually I too did not want to return home from Divine; just wanted to be there, but then family commitments were also part of God's will. When I got back I started going for the Wednesday P&W (at that time it was held at Milagiriya)Lalith-thaatha's preaching was for 'food' for the soul and I thank my Lord for him for bringing me into this journey.

To the anonymous writer:(1) dont worry about how your spouse will join the journey. the Lord will take care of him and will call him at the correct time. All you have to do is sit at the Lord's Feet in total surrender and giving Him the truth of your heart (do not hold back anything for He already knows)Sitting at the Feet of our Lord is not difficult once you give to Him the whole truth and experience His forgiving love for you. Of course to others who have not met the Lord we may look as if we are mad; but why bother about what others think of you. Waht you really have to bother is what God would think of you since He is the one who will go with you to the end. If you follow the 4steps Retreat conducted by the CRL, you will understand better.

roy from melbourne said...

Thanks Annoymous for your comments
"I've come to realize that sitting at the feet of the Lord is not so easy.. yet, making a commitment to it does take a lot of hard work." This is also something with which I constantly struggle with. I guess we surrender it to the Lord, but then we have to commit and work hard (initially) at making the time & effort to sit at the feet of the Lord
Roy from Melbourne

Anonymous said...

Roy, you hit the nail right on the head. I wake up early and sit at His feet. Then I doze off as I pray. Then I wake up late to be fully alert, but then my mind starts wandering away. I seem to be fighting a loosing battle.

Therese Negombo said...

Dear Readers, I am amused and smile reading all your comments.I have had a similar experience of coming alive in the spirit which Jesus Himself says "Unless you are Born Again you will not enter the Kingdom of God!" So Biblically using the Word of Jesus Himself you and I are Born Again isn't it? Why do we Catholics misspell the Holy Bible (God's Word?)
Come on the TRUTH shall set us free from religion, superstition, norms which all nullify God's Word?Lets face it, read the scriptures and Jesus teachings; ask our sweet Holy Spirit for Wisdom to understand the difference of Religion with man made rules/philosophy (catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam-ism) and CHRISTIANITY which is to follow Christ!We must choose either to be religious(which is following a religion) or to be HOLY(which is following Christ who is Holy.Religion is to do and Christianity is to be!Religion is to sacrifice thinking that God is pleased (Oh No dear Enoka) eat what you like dear.God is interested in our inner being Heart condition.Christianity is to OBEY for God said"Obedience is better than sacrifice"Meats or anything God has provided for eating for health for strength is good for the Word of God says "All things are good if you pray and eat" whereas religion (heresy) says dont eat this and that; dont marry (celibacy) if you want to serve God. Peter himself an apostle of the new testament was married,used greatly by our Lord in preaching the TRUTH and Jesus healed Peter's mother in law! so was Isiah of the Old testament, Abraham, Moses etc etc!!So my dears we need to come out of the religious system and walk freely out of all religious bondage of norms, superstition religious rules and heresy and be free in Christ for;"Whom the son sets free is free indeed!" Just look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith my dear! No Pope, no papalcy, no confessionals, no child baptism, no sacraments in New Testament times or Jesus teachings; unlike the Catholic stances! Just read Jesus Teachings follow HIM so simple. Love your Lord, OBEY His precepts and commandments, put away all religiosity and have an intimate relationship in total obedience to our GOD Almighty.READ GOD's WORD and follow HIM and not man made religion cant ride two boats; either be a Catholic (religion) or be a Christian (following Christ and His WORD)May His sweet Holy Spirit bring enlightenment to all born again catholics as HE did with me,I have moved on in total obedience to TRUTH and put away untruth and heresy. Cannot compromise dears! God Bless In Love Therese, Negombo

Beyond to Better Things said...

I'm Juliana and I just started following this blog. Found it by entering "At my Lord's feet" in a Google search. This is where I live!

Anonymous said...

Hello Beloved~
Aim for good qualities/thoughts in your life and Nuture yourselve and be not concerned with others during these times. Everyone's inner Christos is waiting to have a dialogue if they would ask.
Feeling as if others think you look like a mad women we don't understand. We have come to realize never assume others thoughts through the perceptual filters we carry from our environmental programing. Many of our perceptual filters we carry today can be distorted due to our upbringing and environment as previously mentioned. Best to tend to our own gardens and strive to be the best you can be without being hard on yourself. God-Source loves you very much and all it's creation and prefers we not make trouble for ourself by making choices deemed as good even our thoughts are energy and creates a reaction within and around us. Owning discernment in every thought, intent and action is of upmost importance to good health on all levels...spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically! This very important fact kept from us is now to reclaim if we choose through Free Will Choice. Hopes this helps and the best to you on your journey.