Sunday, October 4, 2009

Everything belongs to my God

Today I am led to reflect on my inner responses as circumstances and events around me become dark and negative. I hear negative feedback and criticisms as third party information. Immediately my heart moves to judge the people who have supposed to have said these things. Then my inner being jumps towards explaining and justifying my own position to myself and to God. Further, my spirit is lifted up to God in complaining with “you know God what the truth is” prayers. Suddenly feelings of anger break through followed by self pity and despondency. It has become a real roller coaster ride of changing and oscillating emotions. Now I am old enough in the Lord to know that this is a moment where I am called to deeper prayer and more time in the presence of the Lord. So I sit quietly before the Lord and say ‘Lord I come as I am, I know you love me’.

How easily the storms of circumstances obliterate the vision of God! People and events have become so big that they have become huge mountains standing in my way, so much so that I begin to feel that even God is powerless and helpless to do anything about them! The storm has become God. I give this truth to the Lord at His feet and admit my sinful and weak approach to crisis.

As I surrender myself into His hands and invite the Holy Spirit to take over my life and fill me with His power, thoughts from God begin to flood my mind. I am reminded of Jesus before Pilate, and how the Lord was told by Pilate that he has power over him. It certainly looked like that! It was so at one level. But Jesus refuses to agree to His dimension and world view. He says ‘you have no power over me, unless it has been given to you from above’. Jesus was saying that God ruled His life and the circumstances around it, however differently it may be seen, because He was totally surrendered to the will of His Father. This approach of faith was vindicated by the Resurrection and His rule over the whole universe as the ‘First born from the dead’ and ‘head of the Church’. His continued impact upon humanity 2000 years later is the greatest proof that God was truly in control when everything was out of control!

As I accept this truth into my heart, my inner being comes to peace. God rules my life and the circumstances around it. He will take everything and turn it into a blessing. He will fix my sinfulness and flesh with trials and suffering He will permit. He will find a way to greater and greater blessing. As I read today from the words of St. Paul, the Lord reminds me how the greatest enemy of the early Church becomes its greatest hope, because of the intervention of Jesus.

Everything belongs to my God and He would find a way through everything to lead me to the fullness of His plan. Thank you Jesus.


Unknown said...

I read this when there was great turmoil in my heart. My Lord spoke to me through this. Thank you Lalith Thaththa.

NironM said...

praise be to god !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ashan Harendra Fernando said...

praise be to god !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord Almighty ! Thank you Jesus for sending Lalith thaatha to us!

Unknown said...

Thank you Jesus! Thank you Lalith thaththa